


八百長メモ 2020/06/23 5480098589 plusone 切断でバレたんでしょうかね

Team PlusOne have been removed from BTS Pro Series due to multiple, confirmed incidents of match fixing. All previous match results will be nullified. We have provided relevant information and evidence to Valve. PlusOne are currently banne…

2020/06/23 大会メモ

poe楽しいです 大会関連 beyond epic EUCIS 6/15~6/28 https://liquipedia.net/dota2/BEYOND_EPIC/1/Europe_CIS 6/24までグループ。各グループ下位2脱落。secretの試合が今日からあります。unique脱落確定。b8ももう。。。 beyond epic CN 6/21~6/28 https:/…